And if you know
How do you get up from an all time low
I'm in pieces
Seems like peace is
The only thing I'll never know
How do you get up
Get up
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Started with a nice long chit chat which lasted afew hours i guess, then we were supposed to be going out for a movie, but unfortunately there were too many people in line, and when i finally reached the counter after almost 30 minutes of boring wait, the tickets were all sold out already. Kinda pathetic lo.
Atleast my BFF got to do all her stuff that she wanted.. which is more important than my stuff anyway.
Strange that although im single on valentines day, I'm happy, I'm satisfied with all I have.
I realised on Valentines day, that I have a wonderful friends which are so nice to me all the time, and Valentine is not a day for couples, its a day to love, and I do love all my friends.
All my friends out there. Thanks for making this Valentine such a wonderful one.
- Daro
Monday, February 7, 2011
Guess what.. I just started a twitter account.
I guess its kinda late for me but its a very nice addition to my blog. =P see the corner.. I think it just looks cute..
So recently I've been Mapling cause there's really nothing much to do during the Chinese New Year season other than collecting ang paos. The weather is so horrible, burning like flames on my skin.
Worst part is college is starting on Valentines day and I'm gonna go on a self declared holiday because imo, i think that Valentines Day is not a very productive day to study but its good to be going around doing some lovey dovey stuff ( which i guess im gonna do ).
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Fantasy or Reality.. Sometimes both

Finally after a long break, im gonna go back to training and playing Maple Story with my friends.. Some might think its a childish game but dam its cute, and there's still alot of nice people there inside and alot of good friends left.
Sometimes I even use it as a platform to keep in touch with those who are far away and its not as boring as facebook or msn..
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Trip Canceled
The trip to Langkawi has been canceled due to unforeseen circumstances... unfortunately.
And my deepest condolences to Edwin's family for the passing of his granny..
Monday, January 24, 2011
To lands where Eagles soar
So it seems that my trip to Singapore had to be canceled due to unforeseen circumstance.. Well thats really too bad isn't it.
Since there are no backup plans, Edwin and I opt for Taman Negara but then realized that the trip down to Taman Negara is quite troublesome, a bus ride to KL followed by a train ride and a cab do God knows where, its just costly and a waste of time.
Finally we concluded on Langkawi, although the hotel and transportation expenses are quite high, its kinda worth the trip.
Approx Rm60 per person for a one way ferry ride or around RM60 for a flight ticket by firefly, there's quite alot of options for us to use.. unfortunately we cant get tax free stuff cause we ain't staying there for more than 72 hours.. but who knows, maybe we will and maybe we wont.
Hopefully this trip would be a great one.
- Daro
Cake and Cookies
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Exams are finally over... time for a break.
The plans for this semester break is
1 . Go on a holiday wif Edwin
2. Get started on all the new years resolutions which are...
3. Get a life
4. To take a stand for people who deserve it.
5. To be there for those who are in need and those who have always been there for me when Im in need
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Freedom and the smell of victory
Today is the last day of the dreaded final exams for this semester.. Everything has finally come to an end after 3 weeks of crazy rushing and studying and all kinds of nonsense. From the start of the first French paper to the double law papers few days back, we have been working our asses out and trying to achieve the best that we can.
Its all gonna be over in just 6 hours.. as for me, i guess in 5 hours. Who needs a full 3 hour for an economics paper.. lol I believe this paper is gonna be the easiest among the the 6 papers I have this round. Sooo what am I gonna do after this?
Firstly , theres this trip to KL/SG which i planned with Edwin. We are gonna go to KL for a day , actually just as a pit stop, u cant really travel that long can u. Then we are gonna be headed to SG for a couple of days and explore SG and stuff.
Then I think there's this lil small business which I and Edwin wanna start. Nothing too big, just that we wanna experience how its like starting a business.
Lets not forget my actual life and maple, needa start losing weight and walking around more.. Have to get that Paladin as high as possible before the big bang patch as well.. NO time to waste.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
lady luck
Luck shines upon all of us.. sometimes shining on us and sometimes avoiding us...
How nice would it be if we could have a flask of Felix Felicis or also known to some as liquid luck to be consumed before an exam, forcing luck to act on our side.
I guess I've done all i can for tomoro's law exam and everything is now not in my hands anymore. All i pray is that I will be able to pass the exam, not with flying colours, but a mere pass would suffice.
` Daro
Monday, January 10, 2011

Two more days before the Commercial Law exam and I cant seem to remember or understand anything that I have read. I doubt I can do anything with just less than 48 hours left on the clock but I'll still try to fight on , to move on. Praying and hoping that everything goes according to plan and things are turned in my favor.
The feeling of hopelessness and failure really brings our hope down, knowing that there are others who are much better than us. Its just another indescribable feeling that will only be understood by those who been through it.
Well all hope ain't lost yet..
At the very least I guess I can strive on and hope for a pass, nothing much. All i need and all i want is just 50 marks. Nothing more and nothing less. Somehow I'm not so confident as compared to the day I faced Business Accounts.
2011 please be kind to me.. 2010 was a bitch so please don't be such a bitch okey?
- Daro
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Burdens lifted
After finishing both the Accounts and French papers, I could really feel much better. Its like burden being lifted.. All im left with is double dose of Law ( commercial law & company law )
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Driven to madness

But before all the fun, there's a french exam tomoro and I have an accounts paper the day after.. And after that its followed closely by a double dose of law.. I dont know whats worse than 2X law + 1 Accounts paper..
I don't even have time to spend with my friends lately. I've been really too busy and neglecting some of my friends it seems.. Sometimes there's not much of a choice and I guess those who know me will understand..
Monday, January 3, 2011
Its that time again
Once again the exams are around the corner and I'm still not 100% prepared.. 3 more days before my 1st paper ( french ) and 4 more days before Accounts.. sooo french or accounts?
I guess language subjects take less priority compared to those pain-in-the-ass subjects like accounts and my 2 hellish law papers.
4 days to go and 1 day to prepare for each question assuming all goes well and I dont get distracted from studying by other stuff. So far studies for today is going along fine and I hope tomorrow I can go to the library to study like a nerd. 4-5 hrs should do the trick. Then a few rounds of DotA to end the day.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
The Journey has ended..

It was well worth it, we sat on a bed and had fun, sharing stories and memories. Afew made it past 3am and only 3 people made it the whole night... Even my sis fell asleep half way through.

Unfortunately, there's so much more stories that could be told, yet there is so little time and i dont have much pictures of the nice events like the snowball fight in the ski resort , the fun we had at the free market ( really like fM cc 1 ) which is full of scammers and dishonest traders, and adventure and the crazy fun we had while eating.
Cutie and Kitty.. Beijing trip
Yucks!!~~ but Yummy?
I always wondered how insects taste like and how those people on Tv can just eat them like that... well in Beijing i finally got the chance when we stopped at this food street.
There were alot of food like stinkin toufu which smell really lik poop and sea urchins, sea horses, shark meat, balls, worms.. and those things that u would swear to God that u will rather die than eating.
I seriously cannot understand chinese sooo what is this? LOL I started out with the shark meat ( left ) and weird looking god know what squishy stuff ( right ). The price aint cheap, costing RM15 each stick and lol look how many I took? After eating that, if it wasnt for the experience of tasting food i rather spend it in Chilies or TGIF.
The taste of the food was differnt but its not bad. The texture is something different i could say. As for the scorpions.. it really tasted like crab , i dono if anyone would believe me on this but its kinda tasty and i wont mind swapping this for chips any day.

I even tasted bulls testicles on one of the days.. It taste tender and juicy and its quite chewy.. like chewing gum.
Beijing Trip 3 - Tomb of the Drag..*whut*
After the great wall, the tour went to the ming tombs.. Honestly speaking, i hate tombs and if I even walk near one, my mind will start generating jokes bout the tombs and all kinda stuff which are very ... sooo please please please.. next trip, no tombs already.
A tomb should have very good scenery because who knows when ur tomb will be a nice tourism spot.. Look here, rows of trees, nice hill in the background.. nice carving on the stairs and even cute lil kittys running around.
And lets not forget a underground toilet for emergencies.

OK lets not talk bout tombs now shall we.. =D
Beijing Trip 2 - Great wall
Soooo of course what is Beijing without that wall.. I even told most of my friends that im gonna visit Beijing to ' khua piak ' ( see wall ). We went to the Juyongguan pass ( wonder why it sounds so korean

So onwards to victory !!!

'' WHAT THE F**K... Edwin is gonna laugh at me if I dont make it up.. ''
Before u guys actually say anything, I dont do vigorous activities involving large number of steps or high peaks.. sooo yea i suck at this and its really like mental torture.. ok partly physical torture but its mostly mental torture because every step I take my brain says ' its over' ' go back down '

fyi this is half way up only
Finally after around 10 mins i made it half way up. I was soo tired and my legs felt lik jelly and I cant move any more. BUT THNNNNN!! that lil kiddo started walking again and of course i cant lose to a kid right and even Cindy also went up.. I cant lose to a kid and a girl on the same day right?
So onwards to victory !!!
* shyt *
* crap *
* 1 more *
* few steps to go... *

my sis and Cindy

me smiling and thinking F.U. wall I made it up u beetch.
Made it up in time to take some pictures with the rest of the guys. Went back down, and felt good that I made it up and was able to come down in one piece.. Guess its just in my mind after all, because i cant even make it up 1 flight of stairs in penang hill.

ok this is just random.
Beijing Trip
I know its been awhile but finally i'm bloggin bout this trip. Honestly speaking, i hate China. I had alot of bad experiences wif the toilets, the tour and even the food, i hate chinese food cause thats what i have everyday for breakfast lunch and dinner and im kinda sick of it. The fear of getting a boring tour group also really didn't help.
After the flight delay and everything, we arrived at night and went directly to the hotel and K.O. Since i still haven't got to know anyone I cant really go around disturbing people at night yet, the beds were absolutely horrible for a 4 star hotel and worse of all im there for 3 nights. Couldn't really sleep as i was having weird nightmares often.
On the official 1st day, we woke up early for breakfast and went to Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City. The square is just like a park w/o grass and street lamps for trees. Nothing much of interest i can say. However the Forbidden City is the very opposite. The beauty and awe of the size and magnitude of the ''city'' was just indescribable.

Watching the sun set in the temple of heaven is really something new, normally it would be by the beach or on the peak of a mountain. The view is fantastic, those old chinese folks really did a great job giving temples and imperial palaces great views. LOL Standing on top of the altar really gives u a different feeling and perspective in life. Just standing there and looking around, we can feel how insignificant we are and how small our lives is.

Entrance of the Forbidden City
The weather was quite ok for me, although for others it seems to be slightly unbearable. Atleast my lips and ears are still intact without the help of earmuffs and lip balm. Inside all i saw is fantastic workmanship and architecture all over the place, its both the work of an artist and architect.

Something u wont find in Ikea? LOL
Surprisingly though, the lunch and dinners in Beijing never fail to amaze me, the food was plain but edible and the taste is really very much different from what I can find in Penang. Although i'll still support the local Penang food, this is very much different. I didn't really eat alot but I had alot of drinks here, i think in the 7 days i had as much beer as i'll normally have in the course of the year.

Since im just too scared of going to the public toilets in China.. I tahan whole day until i reached the hotel and spend my own sweet time baking fresh batches of brownies. If i would thank God for anything in this trip, it would be me being lucky enough to hold it in long enough.....
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