Today i spend most of my day accompanying Faye because recently i was to busy to talk to her and we really needa catch up on recent events. We talked alot and trained our rings to almost 50 already, guess we can reach 50 tomoro. =D
Although my life is still under the FUCKED UP category, but somehow its started to get better.Im expecting a visit from Ann and shes coming all the way from KL to go kai kai wif me =D aww she sooo cute la.
Then there's also our Exams which im gonna do well because its an ALL IN and its really either ALL or nothing. I dont believe in doing things halfheartedly. However im still worried about Law. Law is a bitch, really like moral, requiring us to memorize the whole dam thing. Which is really an EPIC FAIL subject.
There's still this void in my soul.
Ps : Excel Int. might be disbanded soon so T_T sad eh? but we might be coming up with a better name =D