Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A Day with the Class

After our Organisational Behavior Lecture ( which is a boring crap of a lesson ) we ( Kevin , Sue and I ) went to Juliet's hostel to pass her a pendrive.. Suddenly she got tat urge to go pasar malam.
Yes i'll have to agree with what you say. Roses do have thorns and u really cant avoid them
Went to Sunshine Farlim to get some cookies and zuki bought a pair of shoes before driving around visiting Kevin's house. After that we went to the Pasar Malam.
However, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder and even if i knw sometimes your not perfect but i really have to completely accept you for who you are, even accepting your flaws.
The moment we arrived, everyone rushed off to get some snacks. See here? thats Fried Chee Cheong Fun with mayonese and the 2nd is with KL Rojak Sauce. LOL
I did continue to love you even when all hope seemed lost because actually not all hope is lost. Even a small ray of hope is what i actually needed.
After some Lok- loks, Belachan Chicken, Sausages, Yong Tau Fu , Uncle Bob, drinks later , we found a stall selling shark fin soup. Looks good eh? It taste good as well. I didnt know everyone payed before eating so i just sapu the food but i didn't pay till we all finished.

Look at this adorable couple. Kevin and Sue. Maybe you cant see them but Juliet and Zuki is actually in front of those two.

After Pasar Malam-ing , we went to Survine's house to look at her dogs and go for dinner. Her poodles are sooo adorable and their fur really feels like a carpet.

Dinner, Tom Yam Maggie w/ Prawns , Sotong, Fish ( Rm 7.00 )
Not too bad but the price is just too high.