When we get together as a class to work on assignments the end result is usually a very very nicely done assignment and great presentations. However what happens behind the scenes?
Why does things usually happen beyond our control? Is this what life is about?
This is a sneak peek on what goes behind the scenes in M19 Group Assignment Progress. =P

Life is quite ok these days. I wish for the same for a special someone i know.
While the guys, with the exception of Survine would be in Juliet's room playing cards. This happens always and not just this time. Hahaha. Actually im not even sure where should I go. Assignment or play? =p
I still can't believe how beautiful you are in a dress. Maybe cause i nv actually seen u in one. ahhahaha =P
Later that night i just realized that one of my classmates actually used tat as a hands-free when driving. Look at the handphone. Imba eh?

Then there's also a sneak peek at the new maple job. Evan. Interested in learning to level your Evan fast? Watch how to train your dragon in 3D. I hope it works. If it doesn't just go back to leeching and buying 2x coupons.
- Ex | DarO