There are many things in this life that we need. U know the basics , food , shelter , water , money and all those. However there is also alot of things that we need that cannot just be seen with the naked eye.
Love is one such thing. Security is another. Friendship as well.
LIFE = Love Is Fairy Eyes
It was said that there is no greater blessing than an understanding friend, who's there in times of trouble and on whom we can depend. Strange that I found friends like this in a online game.
That's the beauty of life. Unexpected things happen in unexpected places and environments.

Just walking around a virtual world called Maple Story, our own stories start to unfold and as we walk this path, we meet new people, friends , foes , and sometimes even lovers.
I've seen this with my own eyes, everyday, as I walk through the snowy paths of El Nath , the beautiful lush forests of Leafre , the Temple of Time and everywhere on the Island of Victoria, people are having fun. Meeting new people, just sightseeing or even killing bosses.
I have played maple ever since the times where Perion was the free market , and the time before Ludibrium, and there was only four main jobs. Now everything had changed. Better ? Worse ? That's not for me to judge.
But for us to find out. As every new day is a day full of Adventure.