So there's quite alot of good news today. The best news is that I passed my exams with flying colours. Amazing eh? I even got an A for Tamadun Islam which is supposedly the worst subject I ever had.
It seems that Kevin and the rest also had very nice results and Edwin too.
The holidays was great. I met up wif Anne, watched Iron Man 2 and Ice Kacang Puppy Love ( which is a very very nice movie and everyone tat is a Malaysian should watch it ) , had fun in netcity with Edwin ( this is already our hobby , pawning asses ;D ) , went out with alot of friends, wasted alot of money, trained new characters in Maple and DIDNT STUDY ONE BIT!
Anyway, Gratz and Good Luck to all who are proceding to year two.
Ex | Daro of Y2M19